Sony Ericsson W880i

I got a new phone! The Sony Ericsson W880i. Its really slim and feels very good in mah hands! The interface seems nice and responsive.

Sony ERicsson W880i

The phone doesnt have the joystick as the K700 and K800 has. I have also noticed that the phone has 5 different alarm settings. So potentially you can have five different alarms going off at various times. I find this useful because I often wake up at one time, go sleep a bit and wake up again.

Reasons to be excited

Sitting here in front of my laptop I have to say that I am excited as I have never felt before. I guess its true that the things that bring you immediate happiness are sometimes not as great as those that bring you long-term happiness. I can say that at the moment I am extremely happy with my job – I may not earn an astronomical salary but I am happy in where I am and in what I do. I find the world of technology a constant source of learning and discovery, from web development, to design to things digital, there is constantly new things to discover and learn. Lifelong learning is a lifelong goal everybody should strive for and promotes a healthier well-being. I can also honestly say that I am fortunate to have a strong family bond with both my parents, a bond that will not last my entire life but will definitely remain a part of me. Those are the reasons, for now, to be excited.

I am also excited that I will have the opportunity to work with an Apple soon, and more specifically with Final Cut Pro 2. I am also going to be working with Adobe Encore 2.0, and it will be interesting to see the differences seeing that I have no experience using either.

Web Standards

What do web standards really mean? Do web standards generate revenue? Do web standards gain you more customers? I guess in the wrong hands, web standards could wreak havoc on any website. Where do you strike the perfect balance between a great website and a website that generates income? I read two articleshere and and here. The first article goes on about good web design techniques, and what you could or couldn’t do with your website (not shouldn’t, because we are all free to do what we want to). Interesting to note:

Too many organizations believe that a web site is about opening a new marketing channel or getting donations or to promote a brand or to increase company sales by 15%. No. It’s about solving your customers’ problems. Have I said that phrase enough?

So it would be a bit of a fallacy to say that a website can act as a ‘silent salesman’. The website should serve as a platform to solve problems, not to necessarily sell your product. The sale of the product is the sole responsibility of the company’s marketing strategy amongst other things. It is also true, in my opinion, that there is no such thing as a watertight marketing plan. The first article goes on to say that:

You should be able to look at the home page of any site and figure out what the site is about within four seconds. If you can’t, your site has failed.

So in a space of four seconds a visitor needs to know what your site is all about. That is a very short space of time. Maybe this is the reason for big headers on pages, often with vivid images and a single line or two with a title of the website. Blogs are often structured in this way (although not considered commercial per se).

There is nothing wrong with Web Standards, Usability, and tableless CSS except they’re being touted by…guess who?…people who offer web design services specializing in…guess what?…Web Standards, Usability, and tableless CSS.

So what is the point of web standards?

The Battle for Search Engine supremacy

Where will the battle for search engine supremacy lead us? Us being web developers, marketers and the Joe Soap user. Web statistics can surely not just be measured in a click-for-click basis anymore. What do web statistics mean in the first place if your company does not make any profit? Surely, ROI cannot be based on web statistics alone. In recent months/weeks I have been using Stumble Upon a lot to read more articles relating to Internet Technologies.

Browser Differences

I work with Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2 daily and it is interesting to note that IE will open a physical file path such as C:\somefolder whereas Firefox will not. I noticed this when I embedded Windows Media Player in a browser and the file it pointed to was located on a network folder. Internet Explorer happily played the file, whereas Firefox didn’t. I also noted whilst browsing with IE, that when I close a tab IE takes you to the tab you previously visited, whereas Firefox merely takes you to the next tab.

Chess, a game of life

I started playing chess when I was six years old, and also later at school. After school I continued playing chess at a chess club, and through the chess club I got my first job, which led to where I am today. Through chess I have met so many people, and yet at this point in my life I don’t have a burning desire to play chess.

Reminiscing is not a good thing, but sometimes I cannot help thinking about the good times I had as a child living where I lived. It was an incredible privilege to have lived the quality of life I lived. I thank God for this with my whole heart.

Web Terminologies

So Web 2.0 has redefined the way websites are or will be developed in the near future. Client-side and server-side scripting seems to be moving closer closer together, but they won’t really ever combine or become a singular technology. Simply because it is still the end-user’s freedom to choose which browser he uses and which not, which has a significant impact on web development. I am pretty convinced that Internet Explorer will be a dominant force in the browser market for some time to come, even though a lot of people (including myself) have moved over to Firefox. So, what exactly is Web 2.0, and what are the defining characteristics of Web 2.0, and more importantly how will Web 2.0 impact the way businesses are run? A simple search on Google defines Web 2.0:

Web 2.0 is a term often applied to a perceived ongoing transition of the World Wide Web from a collection of websites to a full-fledged computing platform serving web applications to end users. Ultimately Web 2.0 services are expected to replace desktop computing applications for many purposes.

Google Services provide you with the ability to create and do amongst other things:

  • Web mail
  • Calendar
  • Documents and Spreadsheets
  • Photo sharing
  • Web page authoring
  • Web Analytics

These items already provide a rich set of applications that can potentially be used by a business professional to create and manage business. Where does Web 2.0 leave the mobile market? How does Web 2.0 impact the mobile market? Can web services be delivered to a mobile device in the same way that it can be delivered to a PC?

My routine, my life

My life routine is as stagnant and stale as it will ever be. At 26 I have not met a single woman, and have not been involved in any deep or intimate relationship, and it is taking an emotional toll on me. I continuously tell myself that there is no person in this world that would want to associate with me on an intimate level. This attitude leads to me being dismissive of most or any type of signs of caring from other people. It has contributed to an outer coldness, and deep inside its not like that. This fact contributes to my immature behaviour at times, and generally results in empty comments that seem quirky and funny at the time they are said. The same comments carry no substance and inevitably convey a certain image in other people’s eyes. I have often felt that you are judged by these comments, and generally people tend to take you less serious. My current routine/life revolves around going to work and coming home and spending more time in front of my PC. In my heart I want to change this routine, but I always seem to find myself here, sitting and hoping for something better. Something better never really materialises and probably never will, and sitting here merely facilitates that false hope. How do I approach this issue in my life? How do I address it and make an important change? I posted in an earlier article that I would like to seriously quit IRC and the Internet and try and find a better life for myself. The question remains to be seen if this better life does indeed exist. If I am rejected in this “better” life then certainly it would just force me back into this virtual world. Should I be consolling myself in the arms of a woman? Is this were a “better” life would be found? I am sure there is more meaning to life than this.

Poll finds Mbeki clueless about crime

To quote from the source:

South Africans are more critical of the government’s handling of crime now than they were a year ago, a Markinor survey revealed on Friday.

I must admit that I feel pretty insecure about the crime in SA, even though I live a life without too many incidents of crime. I do also realise that anything can happen to change that.

What are permalinks?

To quote from the WikiPedia:

A permalink is a URL that points to a specific blogging entry even after the entry has passed from the front page into the blog archives. Because a permalink remains unchanged indefinitely, its use avoids link rot. Most modern weblogging and content-syndication software systems, including WordPress, Movable Type, LiveJournal, RapidWeaver, Pivot and Blogger, support such links. Other types of websites use permalinks, too, but the term itself is most common within the blogosphere. Permalink is a portmanteau word made from permanent link and is often simply stated so as to be human-readable.

So basically that means an article or entry on a website has a permanent link to it, in other words a permanent URL that will always be accessible. I am busy with my department’s website and I wondered if it is possible to develop permalinks to each of our products. I haven’t really spent time thinking about the whole process, but if each product can have its own dedicated link then maybe customers and search engines will find it easier.

An entry in a blog with many entries is accessible from the site’s front page for only a short time. Visitors who store the URL for a particular entry often find upon their return that the desired content has been replaced by something new. Prominently posting permalinks is a method employed by bloggers to encourage visitors to store a more long-lived URL (the permalink) for reference.